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"Willkommen zu den Toren von der Hölle"

Saturday, November 21, 2009

H1N1 virus.

Millions of well paid journalists worldwide. Not one single journalist has a few minutes to spare to check the story behind Joseph Moshe. Not one single journalist has spare time to interview Jane Buergermeister and understand why she has written those things in her lawsuit. Not one single journalist to check the myriad of other disturbing events including blog reports off forced vaccination plans in several countries, reports about death people and severe reaction due to the swine flu vaccine - yes the vaccine, not the swine flu but the vaccine - and reports about chemtrails and the plague in Ukraine.

Why should these millions of journalists report on these oh so boring subjects if they can write about some stars, megamodels, presidents, political parties and the stock market - and about people BEGGING to get the vaccine?

The main stream media making us fear this flu. Actually, since many weeks we don't know anymore who has swine flu and who not! Because the rulers decided not to test anymore. How convenient.

How convenient they signed contracts with the pharma giants that they are not accountable for any vaccine issues. Just make money. Billions.

Mass media is spreading fear about H1N1 and at the same time telling us that we have to run and beg to get their vaccine. Haha!

No information about the nasty stuff happening to some people in Sweden who just got the vaccine, no news about whistleblower Joseph Moshe who is apparently getting cut off his brain - symbolically of course - in a nice, friendly mental hospital around LA.

Mass propaganda like 50 years ago. Man! This must be the brave new world.

Waiting for news. No news is bad news.

Again, the point is not if H1N1 = conspiracy is a statement which is right or wrong. The point is why the public does not get properly informed.

What makes all these conspiracy theories blossom? The complete lack of serious information. The complete emptyness of mass market newspapers, television shows - worldwide.

This is boring and this makes some people wonder.
Wonder who works at the government that is getting influenced by big pharma. Wonder who decides what a journalist may write. Wonder if the worlds inhabitants are mostly free people or modern slaves.

Wonder where all this may lead.

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