Copyright: David Deese - with permission Source: Rense
Our Editorials:
‘How many unborn babies have already been killed by the H1N1 vaccine?‘.
‘Ukraine, politics, chemtrails, plague, Baxter and Joseph Moshe.‘
‘No news - bad news OR Run, get the vaccine !‘
‘Afraid of the flu - or afraid of the shot?‘.
Joseph MosheThe man incarcerated Joseph Moshe is being held without bond or bail on Charge Level: M (Misdemeanor). Arrest made by LAPD-METRO. Held at Twin Towers since 8/13. How did he get charged with a misdemeanor when the story is he threatened the white house and then took all sorts of gas to the face after high tech weapons disabled his vehicle and presumably cell phone. This guy is STILL in jail, no bond, no bail, on a MISDEMEANOR?He’s not facing federal charges. Is his 80 something year old mother talking? SOMETHING is really wrong here even if he ISN’T the biologist people think that he is…
Juliett 484, Comment on GLP, November 20 2009
Notice how they did not have him killed. He must have been pretty important, and they must have had orders not to kill him. just a thought. but it gives you an idea and an inclination as to how important this man is, and how high in the system this goes
Thomas Paine, Comment on, November 14 2009‘What I do know is Moshe said baxter was going to release a plague in ukraine and then he is assaulted and arrested by LAPD. As far as I know we don’t know if he was deported to israel or if he was suicided. ‘
Steve Quayle, November 12 2009‘My cousin works at Patton. When the inmates are in there for knowing too much, they have a tendency to die in hospital. Moshe is going to die by choking to death on his toothbrush. He has already been told, and there is nothing he can do about it. Boy does that suck.’
Anonymous Coward on GLP, November 6 2009![]()
Source: Los Angeles Times
Read more about Joseph Moshe, 56, Los Angeles, former Israeli Mossad agent specialized in biological warfare who warned in August 2009 that a biological weapon was being prepared by Baxter International’s Ukraine plant.
H1N1 notepad
November 11 to November 20 2009
November 11 NWOObserver publishes ‘Listen for low flying aircraft. Shut your windows at night. Stock up on colloidal silver, antibiotics and high quality vitamins. Please watch the skies‘. November 12 2009 The Peoples Voice writes ‘Suspected Hemorrhagic Pneumonia Outbreak Hits Ukraine‘ and and Steve Quayle publishes ‘we don’t know if he was deported to israel or if he was suicided and Organic Health writes ‘An Avalanche Of Reports Of Adverse Reactions To The H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine – And Yet World Health Authorities Continue To Insist That It Is Safe’. On November 14 2009 Ukraine Plague publishes that ‘All victims of the virus in Bukovyna (22 people at the age of 20-40) died not from bilateral pneumonia, as was previously thought, but as a result of viral distress syndrome, i.e the total destruction of the lungs’ and ‘that the virus is extremely toxic, it is able to penetrate not only through respiratory apparatus but also through the eyes‘. And notepad publishing writes ‘Ukraine, politics, chemtrails, plague, Baxter and Joseph Moshe.‘ and ‘No news - bad news OR Run, get the vaccine !‘ and ‘Afraid of the flu - or afraid of the shot?‘. November 15 economycollapse writes ‘Was Professor Joseph Moshe kidnapped ? Where is Microbiologist Joseph Moshe ?!?!‘. notepad publishing writes ‘How many unborn babies have already been killed by the H1N1 vaccine?’. November 16 PandemicFluOnline publishes ‘People ignore words of caution and roll up their sleevesalmost zero (NOTHING. NADA. SILENCE.) mention of the Ukraine epidemic in the mainstream media’, FTO writes ‘Dutch stops using vaccine after baby deaths‘ and Gather publishes ‘Ukraine and World Pneumonic Plague Information *** WHO involvement ***’ and Target:Freedom writes ‘Microbiologist nabbed by FBI after warning us that vaccine is a bioweapon deployment‘. November 18 The Examiner publishes ‘TERESA FORCADES from Spain, brings up many excellent points with logic and clarity’. November 19 NaturalNews writes ‘Once the stage 6 pandemic level is called, and it has been, the WHO via the United Nations becomes a medical dictator by international law to almost 200 member nations’ and Dr. Rauni Kilde, retired health minister of Finland talks about the H1N1 conspiracy and notepad publishing writes ‘Vaccine with microchip - is it possible?’. to get a flu shot’. November 17 infowars writes ‘there has been
November 1 to November 10 2009
November 2 2009 AP publishes that ‘The World Health Organization said Monday there is no evidence that Ukraine’s outbreak is particularly severe‘ and PrisonPlanet publishes that ‘Joseph Moshe had called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapon that was being prepared by Baxter International’s Ukraine plant’ and Kavkacenter writes ‘it has been confirmed 100 % Pneumonic Plague in Ukraine’. November 3 Whitehaven News writes that ‘a group calling itself The People’s United Community have gone into Birmingham hospitals putting up posters and handing out leaflets attacking the vaccine’, The Peoples Voice publishes ‘One Flu Over the Ukraine’s Nest‘, The Temasek Review writes ‘Why You Do Not Need the H1N1 Flu Vaccine‘ and Radio Netherland Worldwide writes ‘Ukraine virus mystery deepens‘ and that ‘a light aircraft has been spotted spraying an unidentified substance over the capital, Kiev’. November 4 TheFluCase writes that ‘at least 5 people in Sweden have died after taking the jab even though the Swedish authorities are denying a connection’ and PreventDisease publishes ‘There is a very organized and structured system among us to coordinate the release of a weaponized flu with the goal of killing people at unprecedented rates. The pneumonic plague now being witnessed in the Ukraine may be just the beginning of this global effort’. November 6 David RothScum Reports writes ‘Evidence from the Ukrainian media appears to suggest that the Ukrainian government was aware of the current Influenza epidemic before it occurred‘. November 7 Infowars Ireland publishes ‘Panic in Ukraine, Authorities deny Aircraft are Spraying Aerosolsmedia moguls with conflicting interests in the drug industry, charges vaccine makers and famous investors with genocide, and urges nations to suspend vaccination programs until an independent Court can examine evidence’. November 9 FTO writes ‘The mysterious case of Joseph Moshe and the pneumonic plague’ and a interview done by TVN is published by axis4peace titled ‘Baxter admits contaminating 72 kilos on main stream television’. November 10 AFP publishes ‘Ukraine’s epidemic of flu and acute respiratory disorders has now affected more than a million people‘. over Cities, Martial Law Expected’. November 8 The Palestine Telegraph writes ‘Dr. Horowitz indicts leading
October 21 to October 31 2009
October 23 JHWeekly publishes that ‘Drug companies have already sold $1.5 billion worth of swine flu shots‘, The Chronicle Herald writes ‘No H1N1 conspiracy — medical officer’ and OPEdNews writes that ‘New York State Rescinds Mandatory H1N1 Vaccinehighly skeptical about the new vaccine‘. October 25, The Observer writes ‘Catch it! Bin it! Profit from it!‘. October 26 Health24 writes about ‘parents who are reportedly arranging swine flu parties‘ and publishes that Pascal Büchler, a Swiss family doctor and member of Infovaccine, said ‘It was a vaccine that was produced very quickly‘. We do not know its effectiveness and how innocuous it is‘. October 27 Time Magazine asks ‘In Germany, A Better H1N1 Vaccine For Politicians?‘ and TheFluCase publishes a Lawsuit that states that there ‘exists a bank-based transnational corporate criminal conspiracy to violate the fundamental constitutional rights‘. October 29 2009 Courthouse News publishes that the ‘Hospital Workers Union Fights Flu Shots’ and Guardian UK writes about Billy Corgan, poet, rocker and H1N1 sceptic publishing ‘this virus was created by man, mostly to scare the hell out of people‘. October 31 AFP writes ‘Switzerland on Friday restricted the use of British drugs group GlaxoSmithKline’s swine flu vaccine Pandemrix’ and David Rothscum Reports writes ‘Evidence appears to suggest that Baxter International is responsible for a new deadly outbreak of viral pneumonia in Ukraine‘. for Healthcare Workers’. October 24, publishes that ‘Canadians remain
October 11 to October 20 2009
On October 12 2009, Prisonplanet publishes that ‘The vaccination propaganda is now kicking into overdrive‘ but that ‘corporate media’s own polls reveal that around two-thirds of parents have serious reservations’ and writes about nurses suing the state to block H1N1 vaccinations. While Khaleej Times publishes that the ‘WHO Denies Reports of H1N1 Vaccine’s ‘Dangerous Effects‘ and that ‘The side effect of administering H1N1 vaccine is limited to a slight fever and pain at the site of injection’. October 13, the LoudounTimes writes about Desiree Jennings who can move sideways and backwards, but not forward. On October 14 The New American publishes that a growing chorus of doctors and researchers is claiming that being injected with the swine flu vaccine may be more hazardous than catching the flu and Florida Today writes ‘Swine flu vaccine here‘. FoodConsumer publishes that ‘Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, MedImmune, Australian drug maker CSL, and Sanofi-Pasteur will likely make a great deal of money’. October 15, VUE Weekly publishes that ‘autism now affects one in 99 American children‘ and ‘Hepatitis B vaccine given to newborn baby boys more than triples their risk’ and GlobalResearch writes that ‘Jim Turner, a Washington, D.C., attorney noted for his work on consumer health issues, is filing suit today in federal court to stop all swine flu vaccinations‘. AFP publishes that ‘“None of the vaccines against H1N1 have been properly tested,” attorney Jim Turner, one of half a dozen lawyers working on the case, told AFP’. October 17 CBT writes that ‘researchers still don’t know this strain of the flu is hurting children so lethally‘. October 18 groundreport writes that ‘There is no financial incentive to make a safe vaccine, and no repercussions for making an unsafe one’, Naples News reports that ‘Parents, health-care workers question safety of swine flu vaccine‘ and Local News publishes that the German ‘Government to get special swine flu vaccine‘. October 19 the Chicago Tribune writes that ‘Swine flu vaccines are safe and time-tested, experts assert’.
October 01 to October 10 2009
On October 1 2009, a former federal health minister dismisses as “crackpots and conspiracy theorists” those who would actively discourage Australians from having their swine flu vaccine’. October 2nd, the San Fransisco Chronicle publishes that ‘Everybody seems to be saying TRUST THE GOVERNMENT but it’s hard to trust the H1N1 vaccination campaign‘ and on October 4rd, the Washington Post wonders ‘When the swine flu vaccine finally arrives this week, will Americans line up to get it?’ and CBS News writes about health care workers protesting the flu vaccine mandate. October 6th Foodconsumer publishes ‘Do NOT Let Your Child Get Flu Vaccine – 9 Reasons Why’ and writes that ‘modern medicine has no explanation for autism, despite its continued rise in prevalence. Yet autism is not reported among Amish children who go unvaccinated’. October 7th Healthnews writes that 72 percent are concerned about potential vaccine side effects and the Examiner writes that’ theorists believe that government may force people to take the vaccine‘. October 8th Times&Transscript publishes that ‘a mercury-based preservative called thimerosal would be included as one of the substances in the H1N1 vaccine’, Medill Reports writes that Dr. Mayer Eisenstein is advising his patients to say no and is convinced that vaccines cause autism and the Los Angeles Times Blog publishes that media commentators Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh have apparently fallen prey to the loony websites of the anti-vaccine folks and that Beck would do “the exact opposite” of what the government recommended and attend a swine flu party. October 9th, The Christian Science Monitor publishes that ‘the vaccine is opposed, moreover, by naturopaths and even a well-known epidemiologist’ and that Glenn Beck from Fox News has devoted hours to ask ‘why the World Health Organization, “Big Pharma,” and the government are hyping a pandemic’? And he writes in FoxNews that he is not alone to ask these questions.
September 2009
September 8th 2009, an article on EnjoyFrance reports that France, Greece the UK and the US have or are planning to make the Swine Flus vaccination mandatory and that those opposed are afraid of contracting the Guillain Barre Syndrome or even dying, an anxiety which is, according to this article, rooted in the ‘76 scare. On September 11th 2009, a Spanish security firm detects a ’swine flu’ computer virus and this article quotes Margaret Chan, head of WHO, that she could not imagine major pharmaceutical firms to be behind the the Swine flu outbreak. On September 15 Sky Watch Canada publishes ‘The Chemtrail – H1N1 Connection EXPOSED‘. On September 21th CanadafreePress publishes that the right-wing seems as enamored as the left, when it comes to using big PhRMA to make Big Money. Moammar Gadhafi Rants at U.N. General Assembly according to this article published September 23rd and suggests that the H1N1 flu virus was a military conspiracy. The ‘Right to Say ‘No’ to Vaccine’ is advocated by Khaleej Times on 24th September 2009.On September 26th, the Daily Contributor publishes that Dr Kent Holtorf, an Infectious Disease Expert wouldn’t even consider having his family take the vaccine‘. On September 28th, PrisonPlanet asks the question ‘Where Did the H1N1 Late-2009 Flu Season Virus Come From?‘.
April - August 2009
April 2009, NaturalNews reports that as Swine flu spreads, conspiracy theories of laboratory origins abound. May 5th Ahrcanum publishes ‘Baxter Pharmaceutical Plant in Mexico- Ground Zero for Flu Outbreak‘ June 25th, Nature News reports that Austrian Journalist Jane Burgermeister filed charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder. August 14 the Huffington Post writes about ‘Joseph Moshe, Man Suspected Of Making Threats Against White House’ and that he ‘withstood four rounds of chemical agents tossed inside the car‘. Later in August, the NWO Observer reports that an official UK government report is warning the British public that there will be countless deaths and that freight containers and “inflatable” storage units may be needed to provide extra mortuary space.
About notepad publishing
notepad publishing (a non-profit news agency based in Switzerland) blog sites currently cover the following subjects:
H1N1 Swine Flu
H1N1 about the H1N1 Swine Flu virus
NWO about the New World Order (NWO)
0911 about the ‘09 11 2001′
CHEM about Chemtrails
LHC about the CERN LHC
MIND about Mind ControlH1N1 VIP’s about Jane Burgermeister, the Austrian investigative journalist about Joseph Moshe, the Israeli scientist captured and silenced in LA about Teresa Forcades, a Spanish Doctor and catholic nunSTOP H1N1 VACCINE English about the H1N1 vaccine Deutsch about the H1N1 vaccine Français about the H1N1 vaccineCERN LHC Focus World (English) Focus Europe (Deutsch, Français, Italiano, English)
Very important person
Jane Burgermeister was born in Switzerland of an Irish mother and an Austrian father. With an MA Honours degree from Edinburgh University, Scotland, Burgermeister has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, The Scientist, Reuters Health, and The Guardian among other publications.
As a result of her recent investigation, Burgermeister filed criminal charges in Austria against Baxter and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology for producing and distributing contaminated bird flu vaccine material this winter, alleging that this was a deliberate act to cause a pandemic, and also to profit from that pandemic.
Right to Say ‘No’ to Vaccine
Charges For Conspiracy Against Mankind
Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder
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