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Saturday, September 19, 2009

What The Fuck?.....

I use to talk to this dude but he turned into a "Wing-Nut", he is a long time friend of my nephew . He is at the point where he is driving friends he has known for years away. Its bad when one thinks he knows it all & if you try to say anything, he turns on you. Worse yet, if you agree he gets even more ridiculous with his thoughts. Hell, whenever you talk to him,he talks about the coming of 2012 & if you dont listen to what he says & change your ways to his ways, you are doomed. Must of felt this way back in the day when Jesus & all those others walked around preaching about things to come.

He's applying personal significance to things that occur in the world around him, like he believes he is playing a prophetic part in the unfolding of history.
It is easy to think that when your world is your home & you obviously ARE the master of your own universe.

Below is a bunch of excerpts taken from some of his instant messages he sent me. Leave a comment & let me know what you all think, is he right, wrong sane or just out there.....

Suicide Attempts to date:
Once crawled under his car & kicked out the jack,car fell on his chest. He drank like 2 liters of gasoline, injected weed killer, antifreeze and household chemicals directly into his veins. Slashed his wrists till he bled & passed out....woke up with newspaper stuck to his cuts.

*Tell me would you believe it if the Princess of Japan told you 2012 was real and not dooms day for you but doomsday for the old world of polluting and government and controls. check it out the REAL Princes of Japan spoke about this shit! Watch the 15 min video here
They are taking the government out. The doomsday view is only if you work for Banks or Government. The old way is headed to "doom" and the new way like solar panels cut you off from government so we are all slowly cutting them off anyhow. These elite are kicking the government out this price guy said. What happened was the government told these elites to get the Swine Flu Injection and they said "no" and we can shut you down. Thats what brought them out. They were told to get injected and they said "no" we know whats in these injections. So they kinda had to make it public.
Well since these people use words like love and peace with some knowledge of the meanings, I trust them.

* There are dimensions and spirits that's all, no gods or religions.

*I KNOW spirits exist I kid you not. My dad "channeled" into me one night and I spoke some insane deep insights on things I even spoke to my mom and I knew personal things about her I did not know was an insane experience
I know spirit world is there now. I was awake and aware but something was moving and controlling my body and voice.... I just sat and listened to myself talk.

*Are you haunted? I kid you not I know how to remove them. IT takes time tho. Ask it or them to leave and they will.... eventually they never come back.... It took me 6-8 months to get rid of bad spirits here.

*I do offer spirits rides home with me all the time when I go out,
hence why I dislike to go out.... I am a target for negative entities.
I go out and get bombarded and they all latch onto me and I drag them home and dispel them. I don't mind I'm helping them return to balance. I bump into a entity in the city about one every 2-3 mins and the max most are every 10 seconds in busy areas. I learned how to "see hear" their negative inputs so they can't effect me as much anymore, if at all. They try and I just ignore their ideas and thoughts that are bad. I know but I'm sorry I've experienced it. I didn't believe it myself dude! Until it happened to me. And I know I'm not nuts because you'd have to experience it yourself. I can connect to them in a small way, now its all a matter of tuning into a certain level or volume frequency... like when you focus on one high pitch in a song u can single it out? Thats what I can do in my mind and I suddenly hear spirits around me talking and I can ask names and they answer. The voice can even over speak me as I am talking, so I know I'm not insane. I know it's real man and I'd never tell you a lie. I'd never tell anyone this unless I was CONVINCED myself. It started in 2007, But now in 2009 I am 100% for sure this spirit world is THERE and real. Our mind contains a pineal glad it was dormant in man.... but I think this is whats happening with 2012 as well mine is opening up. The pineal glad is used in Telepathy, It also creates dream. So when they speak to me I see "dreams" as "Visions" of what they want to tell me as they talk. And it all makes sense, things have come true after I tell people. Those "ghosts" can attach to you mind thought your pineal gland and influence you control you cause you to "Think/dream-up" ideas of their own and you SWEAR they are your own... well I learned to trace my thoughts to origins and I realized I was being influenced this way by some spirits. And as I asked them to leave they did and things around me got better and better.

*That feeling you had inside? It's called "Awakening", It's part of 2012.
As I told u, supposedly our bodies self evolve after certain mount of time in the DNA's existence. Kid you not, I've started to influence object in the physical world I can actually spin a piece of tin foil on a pin left or right simple by changing my minds focus on positive things or negative things, the foil reverses. And I know it sounds nuts, But fuck n shit man I've proved it to myself so hard that I literally almost had a heart attack. I could not believe my eyes. I've tried it over and over so many times I got sick of it I got bored.
Anyhow I'm sure others will also follow with new abilities.

*Well I found this one video on you tube of an official NASA worker who's said there is another dimension in time and space going to line up also during 2012. It will be visible and you see darkness for 30 hours. Oh man these same people now say ET's are real and they are actually humans. The Grey aliens are man made in Hollywood.

*This one NASA dude said he's seen a place where they've cloned cells together to make little Grey men without souls and they staged UFO abductions themselves in order to make u afraid of 2012. It's like there was almost an error made in history thats going to be corrected come 2012.

*Wow there's a spirit in the room ANGRY at me for telling you this.
I can't see them yet only feel their influences and hear them.
Sometimes I see a motion that's so real I get scared and I look it's not there but SOMETHING HUGE moved for sure in my left eye only for example this is new to me tho now.

*See what's happening is that people who are in my age group and who think like me are coming into age of positions of power and we simply demand truth. Thus this can't be avoided by hiding your head in the sand. Simply put we won't continue for father's mistakes.

*Have you even read the history of it? Like every ancient civilization wrote about 2012, Not just Mayans Like 6+ others like Greece and Egypt.
Ahhh well I took 2 years to study the facts before I'd speak to anyone about it until I was sure. I use logic and fact deduction before I speak to others about it. So now that we've come of age that we run the world in a manner of words we are changing it. I know but more, and more people who think like me are surfacing. I was made from a different generation, I grew up with a computer as a toy in 1982. It's not stupid shit when you really look at the details my friend and kids now are different from you. Whats stupid shit is that the media and schools have convinced you it's bunk.

* Whats fake about history? UFO's don't exist and neither does your soul
Thats what your telling me. I hope u like earth and living here because with your attitude your staying behind
. I see that entity you have wants your soul come 2012. And if you think thats insane then you simply don't understand evolutions. For example your body was timed to at a certain age grow hair and deepen your voice. Well come 2012 everyone's body "evolves" this way.

* I like staying inside and I have no onions I simply use facts and logic so I'm no fool. I stay inside because the TV media world looks at me like I'm insane but simply we can't communicate on the same levels. So I avoid them. If I lived at Falcon Lake I'd go out everyday

* Let me ask you this.... are you afraid of death? Or the pain before the death?
I've attempted serious suicide multiple multiple times things that should have killed me and I mean killed me.... and they did not and I wasn't even harmed no bruises, no side effects.....And I am convinced that death is an illusion.

*We are scheduled for a cycle of death life rebirth but once our soul reaches an age we evolve or ascend and death is no longer real and you live forever.

*Well from what I've collected I think death might actually be a state of choice..... meaning if you believe in death you experience it. If you believe your invincible then you can't die.

*For example they found in our DNA that our true age life span is 2000~3000 years and thats why they put "poisons" in our food supply so we die slowly and have the illusion death is natural. This is all things that are about to change thus we will live longer.

*Mostly because I don't know anyone who talks to me as they don't get the words I use but I believe we are on both dimensions now just held in life thought consciousness.

*When my dad passed he still exists with his mind and his memories, So I know life/body is an illusion. I think thats how my father can connect with me the shared thoughts we had. It's not about getting rid of him it's about cleaning his reason for being stuck in this dimension.

Once you clean them they can still hang about but now influence you in good ways. I've found 99.9% of all negative entities eventually hear me out and I return them to a balanced state and they thank me after words because they say they were lied to and thats what caused them to become negative or they simply die before they are aware they are dieing and this also seems to stick them here.

*I don't simply believe things, I research them before I "believe in them", I read into their details and facts. I'm no schmuck!

*I'm the LAST person you'll ever see fooled, I can't stop questioning things.
I watch TV and I can't stop thinking of questions so I can't do much else but think research read and watch and compare facts.

*I'm sorry I self educated myself because the schools teach you lies and twist the truth. So I have no papers but the topics I read are at a 5th level university

*And I think the problem here is that you don't "know" lots of the terms and words they use... and that's normal as only 3 people I've shown actually caught it all...

*As I said I spent 2.5 years doing research on "2012" and the results I came up floored Ming who is 10th year University and he poo pooed it as well until he himself found undeniable proof.

*As far as I can see from what I've read one day we lived on earth with our technology and then one day some "alien" humans landed in Egypt and took over man. And the "gods" of "humans on earth" live on the now coming planet Nibiru and it's sun is visible around 4~5am thats not a planet its a 2nd sun where Nibiru is said to be You can SEE a second sun in the sky and still think it's all bull shit.

*There is no "religion" here as u say either because it's simply following REAL news. If you lived in the time of Hitler you'd be the guy saying Hitlers Rule will NEVER end.... and you know what one day it did end. Thats the same concept of 2012. You may not see the end when your inside something. But there always an end and that end is a new beginning.
I just can't believe you can say that the Princess of Japan is Misinformed as to 2012

*BTW they hosted a show on Discovery Channel about Nostradamus' predictions and 2012. So I doubt it's so "fake" after all. I grew up watching Science Chanel Nat Geo Discovery I never watch normal TV just education shows since I was 8 we had Discovery on Sat TV I self educated myself with shows like it to this very day it's the only TV I watch so don't tell me I lack intelligence or knowledge or understanding.

*Media and Schools all try to force you into a wrong way of thinking when I was in school I found flaws in their teachings and pointed them out and I was thus ridiculed and labeled "mental". I don't work not because I'm "mental" but because I know too much.... 100% serious. It made my life hell.....
But I can't seem to un-learn something thats a fact... like 2012

*There is nothing religious about 2012 either other than the collapsing of religions. Well this "age" it's actually going to happen
The people who talk like me are growing and growing daily and so far it's at the highest point of all time I'd say in the Millions now who think like me.

*It's an age of renewal and rebirth fixing old wrong ways and there's lots to fix so there's lots related. It's a shift of consciousness..... just being more aware of the effects of things like environment. It's about a sudden change when we all move to self dependence... and because of this the Power that be will fall.... including the churches because disclosure will prove Angels in the bible were/are Aliens.

*Point is you can't avoid it neither can I and hiding you head in the sand will not make it go away. Somethings can be predicted in time as imagine a planet retuning close to Earth can be timed exactly when it returns and thus could write this is when our creators come back and say WTF who the hell is this "government" who took over our people?

*Why do you think they force feed us history? Because they made it up to prove aliens didn't happen and to make it look like I am nuts):

* Meantime they have proof that Egypt's pyramids were a spaceport.

*Do you like death and being a slave? I'm sure you don't..... so why not look out the door and see whats coming our way?

*I saw a guy from NASA space weather speak about another dimension lining up with us as well as other universal objects in space all with amazing precision coming together in one point lined up. So why argue that? And he said the date they line up happens to be 2012

*Be aware it's happening as most of the people are saying this is going to be the biggest history of man on earth. Do you assume I'm a fucken idiot?

*Soon I will consume your negativity as well as others negativity.... the time is nearing. I have awakened and you cannot stop my ascension now. All negativity need not fear me but rather welcome me as I plan to take it all away from you all and return the light of love. Mock me all you want but I understand and you can't logically unlearn the truth.

*It seems I am a "tool" or "Key".

* Did u not see the Sumerian Tablets that where written about history how these oil hungry humans came from another passing planet and disrupted the ways of man and burned and re-wrote his history to take him over

*Do you like being under control of the government?

*You can't figure out logic then your fucked. So FUCK OFF you asshole for calling me FUCKED in the head for showing you the FUCKEN DAM TRUTH ASSHOLE! I try to help you and you MOCK ME? And I'm NOT supposed to CALL you a name? I show u the TRUTH and you doubt it because you ASSUME I'm mental. You did by not believing the TRUTH because it came from me. Whats too far fetched about historically written tablets. You doubt REALTY because of the person it came from. Go back to TV media dude your so not ready.

*I'm not nuts, I'm 100% sane and the Dr's, TV, media, & government are out to get you. The Dr's don't even want to see me anymore because I know too much. You can doubt it all you want and thats good, all I'm telling you is don't follow the government from now on. And you can't avoid a celestial event.

*1/5th the speed of light is near the speed of light. Saying that since Sun's move almost the speed of light and 220Km/s is 1/8th the speed of light. So how's that far out wrong to loosely say suns almost travel light speed in comparison to Earth they travel almost 100x's faster. What word was I to use? When I was referring to Sun's traveling fast... Read More enough to meet was the point and this is 100% true they do travel fast enough to meet. And thus I'd loosely state suns travel near speeds of light but of course never the speed of light as light would not escape them then.

*Everyday I gain more and more answers
And more and more ways to explain and describe what I experience
Strange thing is my mom describes it as the same thing

*A quote by Tesla that he sent with his 2 cents added at the end, lol:
My method is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get a new idea, I start at once building it up in my imagination, and make improvements and operate the device in my mind. When I have gone so far as to embody everything in my invention, every possible improvement I can think of, and when I see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete form the final product of my brain..... "Thats nuts cuz thats how my mind works"


  1. "wing nut" is either a narcissistic person or on a bad LSD trip. If he takes his clothes off and starts running down the street naked, then we know the latter to be true.
    Btw, I enjoy your blogs here and on the No Surrender Crew...keep up the good work!!

    1. Damn, I didnt know anyone followed this page, lol.......

  2. dude i think hes right about a lot. like the TVs do control a lot of ppl, and the ipads? iphones? ppl are gonna get lazy. and not be able to do stuff that we used to. everyone will be sucked into technology cuz it does it for them. i do believe one day some crazy shit will happen. i dont know when or how but i just know the gov is up to shit. your friends not insane. he just sees a lot of truth no one would ever even think about. cuz no one opens there eyes anymore

    1. Interesting. Some of his Rants are out there though.....
