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"Willkommen zu den Toren von der Hölle"

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Russians know how to go for the jugular and that is what they are doing.

The Jihadis have been brainwashed into believing that death in the service of Islam is a sure ticket to paradise regardless of any actions taken before "martyrdom". That's why the 9/11 Islamo-fascists could spend their last night on the planet lap-dancing and swilling booze. That being the case, they are extremely hard to deter because death is what they are actively seeking because it leads to Paradise. If they believe that their death is NOT going to get them into Paradise because their bodies are wrapped in pig-skin than maybe they will think twice before strapping on a suicide bomb. Isreal should have adopted this tactic long ago although I hear That might be a little difficult to carry out in Israel, as there is great shortage of kosher ham.

I heard that During Desert Storm in 91 burials of the dead Iraqis by US and French mortuary affairs troops were buried on their sides facing "away" from Mecca which alledgedly holds the same bad juju as the pig skin wrap.

Wes Pruden somewhat jokingly refers to the promise that Jihad suicide warriors each get to cohabit with 74 virgins in heaven. But he then mentions the grim prospect of dealing with multitudes of mothers in law. That might be funny, but the Russians, unlike our timid and faithless American leaders, have seized on the very simple tactic of using the Muslim’s foolish faith against them. And what a rich arsenal is found there.

The Russians understand the mentality of the murderers. Americans always try to equate everything to our standards and terms of justice. We do it all the time and when we don't get the answers we want, we ask, "why do they hate us" or "we need to learn why they hate us". Screw'em. The Russians have it right.
The world has little problem with moderate Islamics – those who don’t subscribe to the most radical of Muslim teachings. Such folk are very unlikely to blow themselves up in your presence so they can go immediately to heaven. The trouble stems from radical Muslims - Islamics who really believe their book and seriously believe the promise that if they lose their lives in the battle to conquer unbelievers they get a free pass to heaven. Fortunately, this serious aspect of their belief is also the gateway to their undoing. Islam, for all the praise heaped upon it by quaking American liberals, is a religion with severe contradictions and foolishness built into it. For our present purposes, that makes it particularly susceptible to psy-war.

The Russians’ present actions therefore stand in stark contrast to the Americans’. The Russians, we were taught, are (or were) Atheists, and the Americans are Judeo-Christians. So the Russians do not believe (supposedly) in faith-based initiatives, and the Americans do. While the Russians took action for what are probably pragmatic reasons, they did actually address the “faith” of the Islamics head-on. The American leaders continue to cower before the Islamics’ “faith” and even publicly proclaim Islam as a “Religion of Peace.” Hence the American government is not taking any action at all against the premises of the Islamic terrorists. So we continue to grapple uncertainly with Muslim Terrorism - a force that is terrifying and basically unstoppable when fought with the wrong weapons.

If we end up battling street to street with jihadists, we could convert water cannons to squirt bacon grease. Holy crowd control, Batman!

The use of pig fat and pigskin shrouds is not so novel an idea. In 1909, General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing was made Military Governor of Moro Province in the Philippines. During his tenure as governor, there were a series of attacks on the American forces in the province by Muslim extremists. Eventually the American forces captured 50 of the extremists. Pershing had the 50 terrorist tied to posts for execution. He then had two pigs slaughtered in front of the condemned men and had the bullets soaked in the pigs? blood. Pershing then had 49 men shot, buried them in a mass grave with the blood, guts, and other parts of the pigs. He then allowed the 50th man to go back and report what he had seen. The extremist attacks against US servicemen stopped in Moro Province. Black Jack Pershing in better known in history for his exploits against the Mexican bandito, Pancho Villa, in 1916.

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