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Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Winner's Dictate Whats Right & Wrong.....

"War crime trials for allied soldiers overdue." Says analyst

"British and allied troops appearing as defendants in war crimes trials with brutal Serbs and former Red Army thugs is well overdue", says 20th Century analyst, Michael Walsh. His research exposes allied genocide, enslavement and institutionalized ill treatment of axis prisoners-of-war both during and after World War 11.

He says, "the scale of abuse of prisoners-of-war was contrary to the Geneva and other conventions to which Britain and its allies were signatories. As late as 1948, three years after the war’s end, the British Government’s treatment of its foreign prisoners was subject to International Red Cross scrutiny and international condemnation. The IRC threatened to bring the British government before international tribunals for abuse and illegal enslavement. Typically, British administered prisoner-of-war camps were worse than Belsen long after the war had ended and war disruption ceased. Tragically even civilians were illegally held, deported and murdered in the tens of thousands whilst the evil killers responsible have so far evaded justice.

The respected Associated Press Photographer, Henry Griffin who had taken the pictures of corpses in Buchenwald and Dachau when visiting Allied POW camps agreed: "The only difference I can see between these men and those corpses is that here they are still breathing." (1)

"According to revelations by members of the House of Commons, about 130,000 former German officers and men were held during the winter of 1945-46 in British camps in Belgium under conditions which British officers have described as 'not much better than Belsen." (2)


Adding to international outrage, Cyril Connolly, one of England’s most acclaimed writers reported: "British guards imprisoned German troops and tortured them." He described how "they were so possessed by propaganda about German 'Huns' that they obviously enjoyed demonstrating their atrocities to visiting journalists. A British reporter named Moorehead who was present at these ‘torture fests’ observed that 'a young British medical officer and a captain of engineers managed the Bergen-Belsen camp. "The captain was in the best of moods," he said. "When we approached the cells of gaoled guards, the sergeant lost his temper." The captain explained. 'This morning we had an interrogation. I'm afraid the prisoners don't look exactly nice.'

The cells were opened for the visiting journalists. "The German prisoners lay there, crumpled, moaning, covered with gore. The man next to me made vain attempts to get to his feet and finally managed to stand up. He stood there trembling, and tried to stretch out his arms as if fending off blows. "Up!" yelled the sergeant. "Come off the wall."

"They pushed themselves off from the wall and stood there, swaying. In another cell the medical officer had just finished an interrogation. "Up." yelled the officer. "Get up." The man lay in his blood on the floor. He propped two arms on a chair and tried to pull himself up. A second demand and he succeeded in getting to his feet. He stretched his arms towards us. "Why don't you kill me off?" he moaned.

"The dirty bastard is jabbering this all morning." the sergeant stated. (3)


Former British Army veteran A.W Perkins of Holland-on-Sea described conditions in the ‘Sennelager’ British concentration camp, which shockingly held, not captured troops but civilians. He recounts; "During the latter half of 1945 I was with British troops guarding suspected Nazi civilians living on starvation rations in a camp called Sennelager. They were frequently beaten and grew as thin as concentration camp victims, scooping handfuls of swill from our waste bins."

This ex-guard described how other guards amused themselves by baiting starving prisoners. "They could be shot on sight if they ventured close to the perimeter fence. It was a common trick to throw a cigarette just inside the fence and shoot any prisoner who tried to reach it." (4).

"When Press representatives ask to examine the prison camps, the British loudly refuse with the excuse that the Geneva Convention bars such visits to prisoner-of-war camps." complained press correspondent Arthur Veysey from London on May 28th 1946.


Typically "The prisoners lived through the winter in tents and slept on the bare ground under one blanket each. They say they are underfed and beaten and kicked by guards. Many have no underclothes or boots." reported the Chicago Tribune Press Service on 19 May 1946 one year after the war’s end.

"In the summer of 1946 an increasing number of prisoners of-war were escaping from British slave camps often with British civilian aid. "Accounts of the chases by military police are reminiscent of pre-Civil War pursuits by fleeing Negro fugitives." stated an Associated Press dispatch (London, August 27th, 1946) more than sixteen months after the war ended.


Tens of thousands of middle-European peoples, displaced by the war who fell into British hands were treated even worse in British controlled Austria and Yugoslavia. There, Britain and the NKVD ran the concentration camps jointly. The latter, forerunners to the evil KGB, were invited to assist the British in the capture and corralling, deportation and slaughter of their captives.

One British officer described how "The prisoners (civilians) were treated coarsely but not brutally. They were pushed and shoved but there was no resistance, no fighting or trying to get back or get away. They were all completely docile, resigned to their fate. The soldiers collected them all quickly into groups and marched them away to be machine-gunned in groups.'

The British officer added, 'some of them didn't get very far I'm afraid. At the back of the station there was a wood, a copse, and they seemed to be marched behind this copse. Shortly afterwards there were quite a number of sustained bursts of machine-gun fire. I can't say for certain what happened, because I couldn't see the shooting. But I am pretty sure that a lot of them were shot there and then, not on the siding itself but just around the corner of the wood."

This is typical of many accounts when units of the British Army working with Red Army NKVD officers, hunted down and butchered tens of thousands of Cossack civilian refugees including children in Austria, in summer, 1945 after the war had ended.


Tens of thousands of people of many nationalities were hunted down and rounded up like cattle to be taken to the Red Army’s killing fields. One account described how ‘the whole train was bespattered with blood. They were open-plan carriages, and I remember the bloodstains where bodies had been dragged right down the corridor between the seats and down three of four steps. The lavatories were absolutely covered in blood...."

"Another such patrol, consisting of two Red Army officers and four British soldiers set off into the hills on horseback on June 8th. They captured one such group on the lower slopes.... "The Cossacks ran off, leaving just a few, mainly women and children who were too weak to move. One soldier spotted a Cossack in the distance, aimed his rifle at him, fired and saw him drop. .... As he was not seen to rise again it was assumed he had been killed."

Captain Duncan McMillan remembers, 'Being guided to a small railway station where there was a barbed-wire enclosure' He saw the Cossacks being unloaded from the trucks and described how they were stripped of their possessions, even food before being marched away. 'Many British soldiers who were there have testified that they heard the rattle of machine-guns nearby just moments after the prisoners were removed." James Davidson said: "We thought that machine-gunning must be the finish of them. We thought they were just taken back there and slaughtered."

These awful accounts were described in Nicholas Bethell’s book, The Last Secret published by Futura, (London) in 1974. The English legal apparatus suppressed further accounts.


In August 1946 15 months after the end of the Second World War, according to the International Red Cross, "Britain had 460,000 German prisoners slaving for her." This was in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention (Enslavement of Prisoners-of-War is a violation of the Geneva Convention. Article.75) which Britain was a signatory to. Arthur Veysey of the Chicago Tribune Press Service on May 28th 1946 reported "When they (German POWs) learned upon arrival in British and French ports they were to be worked indefinitely as slaves, they became sullen."


Arthur Veysey appalled by the British government’s abuse of human rights and the illegality of its evil slave-ownership policies and defiance of the Geneva Convention said, "The British Government nets over $250,000,000 annually from its slaves. The Government, which frankly calls itself the 'owner' of the prisoners, hires the men out to any employer needing men, charging the going rate for such work, usually $15 to $20 a week. It pays the slaves from 10 to 20 cents a day. The prisoners are never paid in cash, but are given credits either in the form of vouchers or credits."


When American attempts were made to prevent Stalin from abducting five million Germans, many of them civilians including children, as slave laborers after Germany’s defeat, the Soviets made their point. They produced a proclamation signed by General Dwight Eisenhower a year earlier, which gave the Soviets complete freedom to do whatever, they wished with captured Germans. This included deportation, enslavement; to loot and destroy without restraint, even using German transport to do so. They reminded the US Government that they had an equal right to do as the Americans were doing and were exercising the same right.

Eyewitness accounts describe events when Berlin and Breslau surrendered. "The long grey-green columns of prisoners were marched east downcast and fearful towards huge depots near Leningrad, Moscow, Minsk, Stalingrad, Kiev, Kharkov and Sevastopol. All fit men had to march 22 miles a day. Those physically handicapped went in handcarts or carts pulled by spare beasts." This was reported in the Congressional Record on March 29th 1946.


By August 1946 France according to the International Red Cross had enslaved nearly three-quarters of a million former German servicemen. Of these 475,000 had been captured by the Americans who ‘in a deal’ had transferred them to French control for the expressed purpose of forced labour. Interestingly in a macabre way, the French returned 2,474 German POWs complaining that they were weaklings. (5)

Those returned must indeed have been in a bad way for the 472,526 remaining slaves had already been described by correspondents as; "a beggar army of pale, thin men clad in vermin infested tatters." All were pronounced unfit for work, three quarters of them due to deliberate starvation. Of this unfortunate ‘army’ of slaves 19% were so badly treated they needed to be hospitalized (6)

In the notorious camp in the Sarthe District for 20,000 prisoners, inmates received just 900 calories a day; thus 12 died every day in the hospital. Four to five thousand are unable to work any more. Recently trains with new prisoners arrived at the camp; several prisoners had died during the trip, several others had tried to stay alive by eating coal that had been lying in the freight train by which they came. (7)

On December 5th 1946 the American Government requested the repatriation (by October 1, 1947) to Germany of the 674,000 German prisoners-of-war it had handed over to France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg.

France agreed in principle but refused to abide by the release date stipulated. They pointed out, correctly, that a December 1st 1945 memorandum clearly stated that German prisoners handed over to the French by the US Government ‘were chattels to be used indefinitely as forced labour’. (8)


The German armed forces invariably obeyed the Rules of War conventions to the letter. Speaking for himself and other allied military commanders, Major General Robert W. Grow, U.S.A. Commander 6th Armored Division in Europe conceded there was ‘no German atrocity problem’.

"My service during World War Two was in command of an armored division throughout the European campaign, from Normandy to Saxony. My division lost quite a number of officers and men captured between July 1944 and April 1945. In no instance did I hear of personnel from our division receiving treatment other than proper under the 'Rules of Land Warfare'. As far as the 6th Armored Division was concerned in its 280 days of front line contact, there was no 'atrocity problem'. Frankly, I was aghast, as were many of my contemporaries, when we learned of the proposed 'war crimes' trials and the fact that military commanders were among the accused. I know of no general officer who approved of them." (9)

Despite the German observance of convention the American forces response was often as summary and as brutal as those practiced by their Soviet allies. Only in cases where large numbers of captured soldiers had been taken were they to be enslaved. If captured in smaller groups the US Army policy was simply to slaughter their captured prisoners where they stood.

A specific study is now being made for the purpose of compiling evidence of such atrocities to which the author, Michael Walsh, would appreciate input.

One such case was the cold-blooded slaying of an estimated 700 troops of the 8th SS Mountain Division. These troops who had fought with honorable distinction had earlier captured a US field hospital. Although the German troops had conducted themselves properly they were, when subsequently captured by the US Army, routinely separated and gunned down in groups by squads of American troops.


A similar fate befell infantrymen of the SS Westphalia Brigade who were captured by the US 3rd Armored Division. Most of the German captives were shot through the back of the head. "The jubilant Americans told the locals to leave their bodies in the streets as a warning to others of US revenge" Their corpses lay in the streets for five days before the occupying forces relented and allowed the corpses to be buried. After the war the German authorities attempted, without success, to prosecute the GIs responsible. (10)

Ironically in the light of postwar research it has been revealed that the only atrocities committed at Dachau were those carried out by the victorious allies. Equally ironically this camp was an allied concentration camp (eleven years) for a longer period of time than it was a German administered camp. There, "Three hundred SS camp guards were quickly neutralized." on the orders of General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

The term neutralized of course is a politically correct (or cowardly) way of saying that prisoners-of-war were rounded up and machine-gunned in groups. Accounts of the mass murder of prisoners-of-war at Dachau have been described in at least two books; 'The Day of the Americans by Nerin Gun, Fleet Publishing Company, New York, and, Deliverance Day - The Last Hours at Dachau by Michael Selzer; Lippincot, Philadelphia

These books describe how German prisoners were collected in groups, placed against a wall and methodically machine-gunned by American soldiers while some were still standing, hands raised in surrender. American soldiers casually climbed over the still twitching bodies, killing the wounded. Whilst this was happening, American photographers were taking pictures of the massacres that have since been published.

At Dachau, which was in the American zone of Germany, a shock force of American and Polish guards attempted to entrain a group of Russian prisoners from Vlasov's Army who had refused to be repatriated under the new American ruling.


'All of these men refused to entrain,' Robert Murphy wrote in his report of the incident. 'They begged to be shot. They resisted entrainment by taking off their clothes and refusing to leave their quarters.... Tear-gas forced them out of the building into the snow where those who had cut and stabbed themselves fell exhausted and bleeding in the snow. Nine men hanged themselves and one had stabbed himself to death and one other who had stabbed himself subsequently died; while twenty others are still in hospital from self-inflicted wounds. The entrainment was finally effected of 368 men." (11)

"The last operation of this kind in Germany took place at Plattling near Regensburg, where fifteen hundred men of Vlasov's Army had been interned by the Americans. In the early hours of February 24th, 1946, they were driven out of their huts wearing only their night-clothes, and handed over to the Russians in the forest near the Bavarian-Czech border. Before the train set off on its return journey the American guards were horrified to see the bodies of Vlasov's men who had already committed suicide hanging in rows from trees, and when they returned to Plattling even the German SS prisoners in the nearby POW camp jeered at them for what they had done." (13)

According to the Toronto Daily Star, March, 9th, 1968, "Former members of an illegal Israeli force which was given absolute freedom to slaughter Germans conceded that "More than 1,000 Nazi SS Officers died as a result of eating arsenic-impregnated bread introduced April, 13th, 1946, in an American-run prisoner-of-war camp near Nuremberg."

After the US victory (the battle for Remagen Bridge) Germans in the Rhineland surrendered en masse. Between April and July 1945, some 260,000 German prisoners-of-war were held under American guard in the boggy fields between Remagen and Sinzig. They were kept in the open air and their daily ration was one potato, a biscuit, a spoonful of vegetables and some water. Racked by disease, at least 1,200 died, according to German records." (14)


In the USA where 140,000 German prisoners-of-war were shipped, the Catholic Bishops Conference described how, "Multitudes of civilians and prisoners of war have been deported and degraded into forced labor unworthy of human beings."

"Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, are put like slaves to forced labor, although the only thing with which they can be reproached is the fact that they were soldiers. Many of these poor fellows are without news from home and have not been allowed to send a sign of life to their dear ones."


United States 140,000 (US Occupation Zone of which 100,000 were held in France, 30,000 in Italy, 14,000 in Belgium. Great Britain 460,000 German slaves. The Soviet Union 4,000,000 - 5,000,000 estimated. France had 680,000 German slaves by August 1946. Yugoslavia 80,000, Belgium 48,000, Czechoslovakia 45,000, Luxembourg 4,000, Holland 1,300. Source: International Red Cross.


An outraged International Red Cross organization opined: "The United States, Britain and France, nearly a year after peace are violating International Red Cross agreements they solemnly signed in 1929. Although thousands of former German soldiers are being used in the hazardous work of clearing minefields, sweeping sea mines and razing shattered buildings, the Geneva Convention expressly forbids employing prisoners 'in any dangerous labour or in the transport of any material used in warfare.'

Henry Wales in Geneva, Switzerland on April 13, 1946 added, 'The bartering of captured enemy soldiers by the victors throws the world back to the dark ages when feudal barons raided adjoining duchies to replenish their human live stock. It is an iniquitous system and an evil precedent because it is wide open for abuse with difficulty in establishing responsibility. It is manifestly unjust and sell them for political reasons as the African Negroes were a century ago."


By contrast the German armed forces behaved impeccably towards their prisoners-of-war. "The most amazing thing about the atrocities in this war is that there have been so few of them. I have come up against few instances where the Germans have not treated prisoners according to the rules, and respected the Red Cross reported respected newspaper The Progressive February, 4th1945.

Allan Wood, London Correspondent of the London Express agreed. "The Germans even in their greatest moments of despair obeyed the Convention in most respects. True it is that there were front line atrocities - passions run high up there - but they were incidents, not practices, and misadministration of their American prison camps was very uncommon." Lieutenant Newton L. Marguiles echoed his words.

US Assistant Judge Advocate, Jefferson Barracks, April 27th1945. "It is true that the Reich exacted forced labour from foreign workers, but it is also true that, they were for the most part paid and fed well."

"I think some of the persons found themselves better off than at any time in their lives before." added Dr.James K.Pollack, Allied Military Government.

"What did the Germans do to get efficient production from forced labour that we were not able to do with Germans working down the mines? They fed their help and fed them well." Said Max H. Forester, Chief of AMG's Coal and Mining Division in July 1946.


Asked what were the chances of the evil perpetrators of such crimes being brought to justice, Michael Walsh said that the only thing that stood between the allied sadists and the hangman’s rope was the will to bring them to trial.

Precedent on retrospective justice is already a fact of life. Its failure is that war crimes justice is selective and so far applicable only to the defeated foe under highly questionable and internationally criticized legal procedures.

What is needed is to raise public awareness and a lead be given by those in public life whose voice is less likely to be censored. He added that the interests of justice must come before national pride, political expediency and military guilt. "How else." He added, "can human civilization progress than through the administration of justice that is blind to race, political dogma and national interests?

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Well, it's shit ... that's right, shit!
Shit may just be the most functional word in the English language.

You can smoke shit, buy shit, sell shit, lose shit, find shit, forget shit,
and tell others to eat shit.

Some people know their shit, while others can't tell the difference
between shit and shineola.
There are lucky shits, dumb shits, and crazy shits. There is bull shit, horse shit, and chicken shit.

You can throw shit, sling shit, catch shit, shoot the shit, or duck when the shit hits the fan. You can give a shit or serve shit on a shingle.
You can find yourself in deep shit or be happier than a pig in shit.
Some days are colder than shit, some days are hotter than shit,
and some days are just plain shitty.
Some music sounds like shit, things can look like shit, and there are times when you feel like shit.

You can have too much shit, not enough shit, the right shit, the wrong shit or a lot of weird shit.
You can carry shit, have a mountain of shit, or find yourself up shit creek without a paddle.
Sometimes everything you touch turns to shit and other times you fall in a bucket of shit and come out smelling like a rose.

When you stop to consider all the facts, it's the basic building block of the English language. And remember, once you know your shit, you don't need to know anything else!!

You could pass this along, if you give a shit; or not do so if you don't give a shit!
Well, Shit, it's time for me to go. Just wanted you to know that I do give a shit and hope you had a nice day, without a bunch of shit. But, if you happened to catch a load of shit from some shit-head...........

The Russians know how to go for the jugular and that is what they are doing.

The Jihadis have been brainwashed into believing that death in the service of Islam is a sure ticket to paradise regardless of any actions taken before "martyrdom". That's why the 9/11 Islamo-fascists could spend their last night on the planet lap-dancing and swilling booze. That being the case, they are extremely hard to deter because death is what they are actively seeking because it leads to Paradise. If they believe that their death is NOT going to get them into Paradise because their bodies are wrapped in pig-skin than maybe they will think twice before strapping on a suicide bomb. Isreal should have adopted this tactic long ago although I hear That might be a little difficult to carry out in Israel, as there is great shortage of kosher ham.

I heard that During Desert Storm in 91 burials of the dead Iraqis by US and French mortuary affairs troops were buried on their sides facing "away" from Mecca which alledgedly holds the same bad juju as the pig skin wrap.

Wes Pruden somewhat jokingly refers to the promise that Jihad suicide warriors each get to cohabit with 74 virgins in heaven. But he then mentions the grim prospect of dealing with multitudes of mothers in law. That might be funny, but the Russians, unlike our timid and faithless American leaders, have seized on the very simple tactic of using the Muslim’s foolish faith against them. And what a rich arsenal is found there.

The Russians understand the mentality of the murderers. Americans always try to equate everything to our standards and terms of justice. We do it all the time and when we don't get the answers we want, we ask, "why do they hate us" or "we need to learn why they hate us". Screw'em. The Russians have it right.
The world has little problem with moderate Islamics – those who don’t subscribe to the most radical of Muslim teachings. Such folk are very unlikely to blow themselves up in your presence so they can go immediately to heaven. The trouble stems from radical Muslims - Islamics who really believe their book and seriously believe the promise that if they lose their lives in the battle to conquer unbelievers they get a free pass to heaven. Fortunately, this serious aspect of their belief is also the gateway to their undoing. Islam, for all the praise heaped upon it by quaking American liberals, is a religion with severe contradictions and foolishness built into it. For our present purposes, that makes it particularly susceptible to psy-war.

The Russians’ present actions therefore stand in stark contrast to the Americans’. The Russians, we were taught, are (or were) Atheists, and the Americans are Judeo-Christians. So the Russians do not believe (supposedly) in faith-based initiatives, and the Americans do. While the Russians took action for what are probably pragmatic reasons, they did actually address the “faith” of the Islamics head-on. The American leaders continue to cower before the Islamics’ “faith” and even publicly proclaim Islam as a “Religion of Peace.” Hence the American government is not taking any action at all against the premises of the Islamic terrorists. So we continue to grapple uncertainly with Muslim Terrorism - a force that is terrifying and basically unstoppable when fought with the wrong weapons.

If we end up battling street to street with jihadists, we could convert water cannons to squirt bacon grease. Holy crowd control, Batman!

The use of pig fat and pigskin shrouds is not so novel an idea. In 1909, General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing was made Military Governor of Moro Province in the Philippines. During his tenure as governor, there were a series of attacks on the American forces in the province by Muslim extremists. Eventually the American forces captured 50 of the extremists. Pershing had the 50 terrorist tied to posts for execution. He then had two pigs slaughtered in front of the condemned men and had the bullets soaked in the pigs? blood. Pershing then had 49 men shot, buried them in a mass grave with the blood, guts, and other parts of the pigs. He then allowed the 50th man to go back and report what he had seen. The extremist attacks against US servicemen stopped in Moro Province. Black Jack Pershing in better known in history for his exploits against the Mexican bandito, Pancho Villa, in 1916.

Michael Jackson News: 2019

Michael Jackson News: 2019

The family of "Elephant Man" Joseph (John) Merrick has finally succeeded in obtaining the skeleton of Michael Jackson, after legal proceedings that have lasted almost a decade. Mr. Jackson's remains will be shipped to England and placed in The Royal London Hospital near the bones of Mr. Merrick, where Merrick Family spokesperson Timothy Cornsthwaite said, "They will no doubt have much to talk about." The Jackson Family will continue to fight the court ruling, insisting it interferes with their plans for a Michael Jackson's Skeleton World Tour. "Fans need to see Michael's skeleton," said Jackson Family lawyer Donald Petrillio, in an interview with The All Michael Jackson News Network (formerly CNN). "Michael would have wanted it this way." Custody of the late singer's children has once again changed hands, with former "Webster" star Emmanuel Lewis receiving guardianship of Prince Michael.....

We're one-tenth human

The human body is a swarm of foreign microbes.....

Only about 10 per cent of the trillions of cells that make up a person are truly human, researchers say. The other 90 per cent are bacteria, viruses and other microbes swarming in your gut and on your skin.

"We really are a superorganism," Brett Finlay, a microbiologist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, said in an email. "From the moment we are born until we die, we live in a symbiotic relationship with our microbes."

"At birth, babies emerge from a sterile environment into one that is laden with microbes," said Laurie Comstock, a microbiologist at Harvard Medical School in Boston. "The infant's intestines then rapidly become home to one of the densest populations of bacteria on Earth."

Most of these microbes are harmless, researchers say. Many are necessary to life and health. A troublesome minority, however, can cause everything from teenage acne and obesity to autism and cancer.

The National Institutes of Health has launched a $115-million, five-year project to identify, analyze and catalog hundreds of microbial species resident in or on the human body.

Called the Human Microbiome Project, it's modelled after the Human Genome Project, which decoded most of the human genes in the 1990s. The first 35 microbiome research grants took effect this summer.

"The composition of the complex microbial communities inhabiting the human body has a tremendous influence on human health and disease," said Richard Gibbs, a leading human genome researcher at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Gibbs received a grant to sequence the genes of 400 bacterial strains by 2011.

The goal of the microbiome project, which is international in scope, is to identify which microbes are harmful and to figure out ways to prevent or treat diseases they cause.

It's a bewildering task, because scientists estimate there are about 1,000 different species of microbes living in the human gut and about as many more separate species on human skin.

The microbes form tiny colonies of bacteria that settle in different areas of the body. Jeffrey Gordon, a microbiologist at the University of Washington in St. Louis, likened them to "ecosystems," similar to those that plants and animals form on islands on Earth.

The most popular site for human skin microbes, surprisingly, is the forearm, which is home to 44 different microbial species, according to a recent study by Julia Segre, a microbiologist at the National Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda, Md. The most barren region is behind the ear, where only 15 species typically settle, she reported in the journal Science last May.

"Hairy moist underarms lie a short distance from dry forearms, but these two niches are as ecologically dissimilar as rainforests are to deserts," Segre said.

Different tribes of microbes are associated with different maladies. For example, bacteria associated with the skin disease psoriasis favour the outer elbow, Segre reported. Eczema bugs prefer the inner elbow.

Microbes also vary between people. Matthias Tschoep, an obesity expert at the University of Cincinnati's College of Medicine, identified 383 microbial genes that differed significantly between pairs of obese and slender twins. Microbes in obese people harvest sugars and fats in the diet more efficiently than do others on slender people, he reported in Nature.

"It is possible that drug targets or drug candidates for the treatment of obesity could be identified from the obesity-associated microbiome," Tschoep said.

At the Conference on the Beneficial Effects of Microbes held in San Diego last fall, scientists described many ways in which microbes can be helpful -- even essential -- to humans.

Bacteria in the gut make it possible to digest food, synthesize vitamins, remove toxins and develop the immune system after birth.

One of the new human microbiome grants went to Robert Modlin, a dermatologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, to study microbes lurking under the skin that cause 17 million Americans -- including 80 per cent of those age 12 to 24 -- to suffer from acne.

"Success may lead to the development of new, effective therapeutic strategies for treatment of acne," Modlin's grant announcement declared.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What The Fuck?.....

I use to talk to this dude but he turned into a "Wing-Nut", he is a long time friend of my nephew . He is at the point where he is driving friends he has known for years away. Its bad when one thinks he knows it all & if you try to say anything, he turns on you. Worse yet, if you agree he gets even more ridiculous with his thoughts. Hell, whenever you talk to him,he talks about the coming of 2012 & if you dont listen to what he says & change your ways to his ways, you are doomed. Must of felt this way back in the day when Jesus & all those others walked around preaching about things to come.

He's applying personal significance to things that occur in the world around him, like he believes he is playing a prophetic part in the unfolding of history.
It is easy to think that when your world is your home & you obviously ARE the master of your own universe.

Below is a bunch of excerpts taken from some of his instant messages he sent me. Leave a comment & let me know what you all think, is he right, wrong sane or just out there.....

Suicide Attempts to date:
Once crawled under his car & kicked out the jack,car fell on his chest. He drank like 2 liters of gasoline, injected weed killer, antifreeze and household chemicals directly into his veins. Slashed his wrists till he bled & passed out....woke up with newspaper stuck to his cuts.

*Tell me would you believe it if the Princess of Japan told you 2012 was real and not dooms day for you but doomsday for the old world of polluting and government and controls. check it out the REAL Princes of Japan spoke about this shit! Watch the 15 min video here
They are taking the government out. The doomsday view is only if you work for Banks or Government. The old way is headed to "doom" and the new way like solar panels cut you off from government so we are all slowly cutting them off anyhow. These elite are kicking the government out this price guy said. What happened was the government told these elites to get the Swine Flu Injection and they said "no" and we can shut you down. Thats what brought them out. They were told to get injected and they said "no" we know whats in these injections. So they kinda had to make it public.
Well since these people use words like love and peace with some knowledge of the meanings, I trust them.

* There are dimensions and spirits that's all, no gods or religions.

*I KNOW spirits exist I kid you not. My dad "channeled" into me one night and I spoke some insane deep insights on things I even spoke to my mom and I knew personal things about her I did not know was an insane experience
I know spirit world is there now. I was awake and aware but something was moving and controlling my body and voice.... I just sat and listened to myself talk.

*Are you haunted? I kid you not I know how to remove them. IT takes time tho. Ask it or them to leave and they will.... eventually they never come back.... It took me 6-8 months to get rid of bad spirits here.

*I do offer spirits rides home with me all the time when I go out,
hence why I dislike to go out.... I am a target for negative entities.
I go out and get bombarded and they all latch onto me and I drag them home and dispel them. I don't mind I'm helping them return to balance. I bump into a entity in the city about one every 2-3 mins and the max most are every 10 seconds in busy areas. I learned how to "see hear" their negative inputs so they can't effect me as much anymore, if at all. They try and I just ignore their ideas and thoughts that are bad. I know but I'm sorry I've experienced it. I didn't believe it myself dude! Until it happened to me. And I know I'm not nuts because you'd have to experience it yourself. I can connect to them in a small way, now its all a matter of tuning into a certain level or volume frequency... like when you focus on one high pitch in a song u can single it out? Thats what I can do in my mind and I suddenly hear spirits around me talking and I can ask names and they answer. The voice can even over speak me as I am talking, so I know I'm not insane. I know it's real man and I'd never tell you a lie. I'd never tell anyone this unless I was CONVINCED myself. It started in 2007, But now in 2009 I am 100% for sure this spirit world is THERE and real. Our mind contains a pineal glad it was dormant in man.... but I think this is whats happening with 2012 as well mine is opening up. The pineal glad is used in Telepathy, It also creates dream. So when they speak to me I see "dreams" as "Visions" of what they want to tell me as they talk. And it all makes sense, things have come true after I tell people. Those "ghosts" can attach to you mind thought your pineal gland and influence you control you cause you to "Think/dream-up" ideas of their own and you SWEAR they are your own... well I learned to trace my thoughts to origins and I realized I was being influenced this way by some spirits. And as I asked them to leave they did and things around me got better and better.

*That feeling you had inside? It's called "Awakening", It's part of 2012.
As I told u, supposedly our bodies self evolve after certain mount of time in the DNA's existence. Kid you not, I've started to influence object in the physical world I can actually spin a piece of tin foil on a pin left or right simple by changing my minds focus on positive things or negative things, the foil reverses. And I know it sounds nuts, But fuck n shit man I've proved it to myself so hard that I literally almost had a heart attack. I could not believe my eyes. I've tried it over and over so many times I got sick of it I got bored.
Anyhow I'm sure others will also follow with new abilities.

*Well I found this one video on you tube of an official NASA worker who's said there is another dimension in time and space going to line up also during 2012. It will be visible and you see darkness for 30 hours. Oh man these same people now say ET's are real and they are actually humans. The Grey aliens are man made in Hollywood.

*This one NASA dude said he's seen a place where they've cloned cells together to make little Grey men without souls and they staged UFO abductions themselves in order to make u afraid of 2012. It's like there was almost an error made in history thats going to be corrected come 2012.

*Wow there's a spirit in the room ANGRY at me for telling you this.
I can't see them yet only feel their influences and hear them.
Sometimes I see a motion that's so real I get scared and I look it's not there but SOMETHING HUGE moved for sure in my left eye only for example this is new to me tho now.

*See what's happening is that people who are in my age group and who think like me are coming into age of positions of power and we simply demand truth. Thus this can't be avoided by hiding your head in the sand. Simply put we won't continue for father's mistakes.

*Have you even read the history of it? Like every ancient civilization wrote about 2012, Not just Mayans Like 6+ others like Greece and Egypt.
Ahhh well I took 2 years to study the facts before I'd speak to anyone about it until I was sure. I use logic and fact deduction before I speak to others about it. So now that we've come of age that we run the world in a manner of words we are changing it. I know but more, and more people who think like me are surfacing. I was made from a different generation, I grew up with a computer as a toy in 1982. It's not stupid shit when you really look at the details my friend and kids now are different from you. Whats stupid shit is that the media and schools have convinced you it's bunk.

* Whats fake about history? UFO's don't exist and neither does your soul
Thats what your telling me. I hope u like earth and living here because with your attitude your staying behind
. I see that entity you have wants your soul come 2012. And if you think thats insane then you simply don't understand evolutions. For example your body was timed to at a certain age grow hair and deepen your voice. Well come 2012 everyone's body "evolves" this way.

* I like staying inside and I have no onions I simply use facts and logic so I'm no fool. I stay inside because the TV media world looks at me like I'm insane but simply we can't communicate on the same levels. So I avoid them. If I lived at Falcon Lake I'd go out everyday

* Let me ask you this.... are you afraid of death? Or the pain before the death?
I've attempted serious suicide multiple multiple times things that should have killed me and I mean killed me.... and they did not and I wasn't even harmed no bruises, no side effects.....And I am convinced that death is an illusion.

*We are scheduled for a cycle of death life rebirth but once our soul reaches an age we evolve or ascend and death is no longer real and you live forever.

*Well from what I've collected I think death might actually be a state of choice..... meaning if you believe in death you experience it. If you believe your invincible then you can't die.

*For example they found in our DNA that our true age life span is 2000~3000 years and thats why they put "poisons" in our food supply so we die slowly and have the illusion death is natural. This is all things that are about to change thus we will live longer.

*Mostly because I don't know anyone who talks to me as they don't get the words I use but I believe we are on both dimensions now just held in life thought consciousness.

*When my dad passed he still exists with his mind and his memories, So I know life/body is an illusion. I think thats how my father can connect with me the shared thoughts we had. It's not about getting rid of him it's about cleaning his reason for being stuck in this dimension.

Once you clean them they can still hang about but now influence you in good ways. I've found 99.9% of all negative entities eventually hear me out and I return them to a balanced state and they thank me after words because they say they were lied to and thats what caused them to become negative or they simply die before they are aware they are dieing and this also seems to stick them here.

*I don't simply believe things, I research them before I "believe in them", I read into their details and facts. I'm no schmuck!

*I'm the LAST person you'll ever see fooled, I can't stop questioning things.
I watch TV and I can't stop thinking of questions so I can't do much else but think research read and watch and compare facts.

*I'm sorry I self educated myself because the schools teach you lies and twist the truth. So I have no papers but the topics I read are at a 5th level university

*And I think the problem here is that you don't "know" lots of the terms and words they use... and that's normal as only 3 people I've shown actually caught it all...

*As I said I spent 2.5 years doing research on "2012" and the results I came up floored Ming who is 10th year University and he poo pooed it as well until he himself found undeniable proof.

*As far as I can see from what I've read one day we lived on earth with our technology and then one day some "alien" humans landed in Egypt and took over man. And the "gods" of "humans on earth" live on the now coming planet Nibiru and it's sun is visible around 4~5am thats not a planet its a 2nd sun where Nibiru is said to be You can SEE a second sun in the sky and still think it's all bull shit.

*There is no "religion" here as u say either because it's simply following REAL news. If you lived in the time of Hitler you'd be the guy saying Hitlers Rule will NEVER end.... and you know what one day it did end. Thats the same concept of 2012. You may not see the end when your inside something. But there always an end and that end is a new beginning.
I just can't believe you can say that the Princess of Japan is Misinformed as to 2012

*BTW they hosted a show on Discovery Channel about Nostradamus' predictions and 2012. So I doubt it's so "fake" after all. I grew up watching Science Chanel Nat Geo Discovery I never watch normal TV just education shows since I was 8 we had Discovery on Sat TV I self educated myself with shows like it to this very day it's the only TV I watch so don't tell me I lack intelligence or knowledge or understanding.

*Media and Schools all try to force you into a wrong way of thinking when I was in school I found flaws in their teachings and pointed them out and I was thus ridiculed and labeled "mental". I don't work not because I'm "mental" but because I know too much.... 100% serious. It made my life hell.....
But I can't seem to un-learn something thats a fact... like 2012

*There is nothing religious about 2012 either other than the collapsing of religions. Well this "age" it's actually going to happen
The people who talk like me are growing and growing daily and so far it's at the highest point of all time I'd say in the Millions now who think like me.

*It's an age of renewal and rebirth fixing old wrong ways and there's lots to fix so there's lots related. It's a shift of consciousness..... just being more aware of the effects of things like environment. It's about a sudden change when we all move to self dependence... and because of this the Power that be will fall.... including the churches because disclosure will prove Angels in the bible were/are Aliens.

*Point is you can't avoid it neither can I and hiding you head in the sand will not make it go away. Somethings can be predicted in time as imagine a planet retuning close to Earth can be timed exactly when it returns and thus could write this is when our creators come back and say WTF who the hell is this "government" who took over our people?

*Why do you think they force feed us history? Because they made it up to prove aliens didn't happen and to make it look like I am nuts):

* Meantime they have proof that Egypt's pyramids were a spaceport.

*Do you like death and being a slave? I'm sure you don't..... so why not look out the door and see whats coming our way?

*I saw a guy from NASA space weather speak about another dimension lining up with us as well as other universal objects in space all with amazing precision coming together in one point lined up. So why argue that? And he said the date they line up happens to be 2012

*Be aware it's happening as most of the people are saying this is going to be the biggest history of man on earth. Do you assume I'm a fucken idiot?

*Soon I will consume your negativity as well as others negativity.... the time is nearing. I have awakened and you cannot stop my ascension now. All negativity need not fear me but rather welcome me as I plan to take it all away from you all and return the light of love. Mock me all you want but I understand and you can't logically unlearn the truth.

*It seems I am a "tool" or "Key".

* Did u not see the Sumerian Tablets that where written about history how these oil hungry humans came from another passing planet and disrupted the ways of man and burned and re-wrote his history to take him over

*Do you like being under control of the government?

*You can't figure out logic then your fucked. So FUCK OFF you asshole for calling me FUCKED in the head for showing you the FUCKEN DAM TRUTH ASSHOLE! I try to help you and you MOCK ME? And I'm NOT supposed to CALL you a name? I show u the TRUTH and you doubt it because you ASSUME I'm mental. You did by not believing the TRUTH because it came from me. Whats too far fetched about historically written tablets. You doubt REALTY because of the person it came from. Go back to TV media dude your so not ready.

*I'm not nuts, I'm 100% sane and the Dr's, TV, media, & government are out to get you. The Dr's don't even want to see me anymore because I know too much. You can doubt it all you want and thats good, all I'm telling you is don't follow the government from now on. And you can't avoid a celestial event.

*1/5th the speed of light is near the speed of light. Saying that since Sun's move almost the speed of light and 220Km/s is 1/8th the speed of light. So how's that far out wrong to loosely say suns almost travel light speed in comparison to Earth they travel almost 100x's faster. What word was I to use? When I was referring to Sun's traveling fast... Read More enough to meet was the point and this is 100% true they do travel fast enough to meet. And thus I'd loosely state suns travel near speeds of light but of course never the speed of light as light would not escape them then.

*Everyday I gain more and more answers
And more and more ways to explain and describe what I experience
Strange thing is my mom describes it as the same thing

*A quote by Tesla that he sent with his 2 cents added at the end, lol:
My method is different. I do not rush into actual work. When I get a new idea, I start at once building it up in my imagination, and make improvements and operate the device in my mind. When I have gone so far as to embody everything in my invention, every possible improvement I can think of, and when I see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete form the final product of my brain..... "Thats nuts cuz thats how my mind works"

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random Thought: MMM Pork.....

I was lookin at a friend's facebook page one day & He had written"MMM Bacon". I got to thinkin about The Pig . This is what I thought up.
"MMMMM Pork, how most of us love pork. Pork chops, pork loins, pork steak, ham & bacon.
Not only do we love bacon, but we save and reuse the bacon grease for cooking.

Did you all now that pigs are pretty close to humans in many ways?

In almost every case, fetal pigs have the same muscles as humans, with some small variations in the size and location of some muscles related to the fact that pigs are quadrupedal and humans are bipedal. For example, the major chest and abdominal muscles found in humans are present in the pig.

Pigs have all of the same thoracic and abdominal organs as humans. There are small differences in a few organs. Hell, we even use pig valves in open heart surguries to replace man's worn out heart valves.

Quiz - Like humans, the adrenal glands of the fetal pig are retroperitoneal. What other abdominal organs are retroperitoneal?
Stomach, spleen, bile duct system, small intestines, kidneys, bladder, etc. - the remainder of the abdominal organs found in the fetal pig are basically the same as found in humans.
Urethra, ovaries, uterine tubes, labia, mesenteries, testes, epididymis, vas deferens, inguinal canal, prostate gland, etc. - these structures are basically the same in the fetal pig and human.

My question is: If pig and man are so close on so many counts,isnt eating a pig almost like eating a human? & would man be as tasty to eat?

I also wonder seeing that bacon grease is such a wonderful oil for cookin with, would oil made from a human be as good to use & would there be any saturated fats present in that oil?....."