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Thursday, May 12, 2016

Crazy Bitch E-Mails

March 4, 2013 1:07 am Just because you don't know the answer to something does not mean I'm "overthinking" just admit you don't know the answer. Like fuck, you're unbelievable, just because I ask a question, I'm "overthinking" like fuck off already Nothing of what you say ever makes sense but in your mind you ALWAYS associate two things which are completely out of context or have nothing to do with each other, especially when we're discussing a certain topic. I usually just let it go because I don't like starting arguments 'cause God knows you're always fuckin' right, so what's the point. Having a conversation with you is like just listening to you talk, whether the person is interested or not it's like you don't even care and the sad part is you don't even notice. Right now you're too busy on your pathetic page arguing with people you don't know and who don't matter over a president of a country you don't even live in lol at least they have a reason to bitch and argue I don't even know why the hell you get involved. Sometimes I think, honestly you just live to shit disturb in people's lives and when you don't have anyone you know personally to do this to you have to resort to the internet and people you don't know. No comment there as I don't know what that's even like or why I would even "want" to do anything like that. March 21, 2013 8:54 pm I'm copying and pasting this on both your accounts as I don't know when you'll read either, to make sure you get, loud and fuckin' clean. You know, you really need to stop OVER FUCKIN' ANALYZING everything I say, it's a free world, I can say whatever I want and I don't need you blowing it out of fuckin' proportion. Yeah so what I said "look at that guy, as in look at that goofy nerd" whatever, so what. I'm sure you've seen lots of people on the street and have thought to yourself "what is that guy trying to be" whether it be as a joke or just a thought. I'm entitled to my opinion, I'm not attacking the guy I didn't say it out loud to him so it's my own business. So many people in this world do this, either as a coping mechanism or just to vent. They don't need some fuckin' overanalyzing bullshitting know it all acting like they're so goddamn self righteous. Man like I said, that's the same shit Vern used to pull and exactly why I don't hang out with the idiot Yeah i have my reasons behind everything I said, people can't and should not keep things bottled up, if they want to vent or say something to a so called "friend" they should without the person trying to "figure out" or wonder why, save that for the shrinks and psychiatrists, people with degrees, who are trained councellors who can handle that kind of stuff. I don't need your fuckin' dime store psychology and your comment of "they're not talking shit why are you" who the fuck knows what they're saying, do you?? They could've gotten in the car saying look at that dirty guy with dreads, does it bother you?? No, does it bother anyone else?? No, because he said it to his gf or in confidence, just to vent or say something funny, to tease, whatever. Same as I said, God fuck like you really amaze me sometimes. Yeah we all know people talk shit out of jealousy but also they talk shit because they've been burnt by others or that specific person, we'll never know so it's not up to us to judge or assume. End of fuckin' story. Actions speak louder than words, remember that, I know my karma's good 'cause I never take action against others, sure I vent but I let karma deal with those who have hurt me and in the end I am always triumphant, they get burnt way worse than they have burnt me. People these fuckin' days, just want to intentionally hurt or burn people and when they get what they fuckin' deserve they try to pretend and play the victim, try to condone their SHITTY ACTIONS so they don't look as bad, EXCUSES fuck, in the end time always tells and the truth always comes out. Oh and one last thing, when I say "don't tell anyone", it's because on SEVERAL occasions I have heard from Tony or Bill shit you have said and it gets back to me because the person you're telling to DOES know someone I know. So don't think when you're talking about someone else, whether good or bad, that it can't get around. People in Winnipeg always LOVE rumours or gossip or love to hear when someone else is down and out. Do you think people like to see others successful?? No the first thing people want is to see others FAIL. When money's involved, especially big amounts, there are always big ears, wanting to know what's going on. Not everyone might know YOU but a lot of people know me, so that's why I ask you, please don't tell anyone because I could tell you right fuckin' now shit I heard you said to someone Bill or Tony knew and it got back to me, now I'm big enough of a person to forget about it but the shit you said, wow I couldn't believe you'd sink so fuckin' low to say shit like that and that goes the same for others, just because they're confiding in one or two people and it doesn't get around, maybe it does, does not mean they're going around saying shit. Like please, use your fuckn' brain sometimes, that's what I mean, why I call you an idiot, cause sometimes you truly are. Oh and when you started comparing me to Mark and how he talks about Asians, that was the "icing on the cake" first of all I was talking about some goofy white nerd and just making a goddamned joke and here you are trying to compare me to Mark?? Man, I thought I had problems, YOU have major problems at least I obsess about people who have hurt me mentally and physically. You're harping on someone who's just a buddy, yeah and buddy's sometimes get in bad states and need a friend or need someone to talk to, that's life either you're a friend through thick and thin or ya' bail, simple as that, like I said before, karma most reflects on people's "actions" not words especially jokes. I'm not screaming insults at someone on the street, as Vern was that day, I made a goddamn JOKE fuck and this is what it of course turns into. And this is how it is, you make an innocent comment or joke about someone and someone has to start acting self righteous. This is exactly how rumours get started and shit gets blown out of proportion. For example, you're in the car with me and you say to some guy outside the car "now look at that guy, who's he trying to be" NEVER in a million years would you hear me say "God, why are you putting him down? Don't say that, you're a hater, now you're exactly like them, bad karma" and all your other bullshit, I would laugh and say "yeah" and that would be that, that's the problem today, you can't even say something jokingly or in confidence and someone when they're angry or for no reason starts accusing you of saying it "harmfully" and when it comes to relationships or friendships, it gets back to the other person and they think you did it on purpose, when it wasn't meant to harm. So with all this said, I hope that you will learn not to "shit disturb" situations and stuff people say, I don't know how much more clearer I can make this as I can't talk to you in person, I can't get a word in edge wise, without you flapping your gums and it being a one side conversation lol When chicks call guys "goofs" or goofy it doesn't imply the same meaning as an asshole calling another asshole in jail a goof ok, learn to understand that. April 7th, 11:47pm And stop saying I've been hung up on the bitch for four years, I have not, I've moved on lol moving on is not the hard part, finding someone to move on to, is the hard part lol as I just can't stick any cock in my mouth to forget about someone else June 12th, 6:29pm Like I said before and I'll say it again and again, the day and age of REAL MEN who know how to pleasure a woman and takes their time with a woman knowing that getting to know someone "mentally" is by far the best way, is dead We now have a generation of fuckn' idiots who think PORN is what sex is and will never have any clue how to really please a woman nevermind "make love" June 13th, 1:33pm As per our discussion last night between running an escort and selling coke Some women are forced on the street to sell their bodies and they don't want to, I guess people look at it as you're a pimp, running an escort driving these women to have sex with dirty men lol where as when people are buying drugs, sure they have a problem but it's usually a partying thing, they're doing it 'cause they want to until addiction takes over but with sex, a lot fo those women don't have a way out, and making easy money meanwhile they are damaging their reputation it's apples and oranges some people would rather have a sex addiction then a drug addiction meanwhile their sex addiction hurts other people's families and themselves, it's not usually "single" people they're always sleeping with like you think, it's married people etc drug addiction hurts one's self yes and the famiiy of the addict they're not necessarily ruining innocent lives it's completely different, that's why it's harder to live down a sex addiction and you making easy money running an escort agency then it is a drug addiction and selling drugs again it's black and white I think when someone decides to "use coke" or party it's a completely different thing then some woman deciding, "hey I'll go sell my body for quick few hundred bucks" June 18th, 9:57pm You better realize where your loyalties are motherfucker or go get your weed from him from now on and go hang with him too I got no time for two faced assholes and don't talk to me about staying strong and not doing blow, yeah "HIDE" in your house, no kidding you don't have temptations, you're never out in public or out in bars where temptations lie, if I had your life yeah I could stay away from it too what I do is my fuckin' business, so slippin' up once a year trust me I ain't too worried or concerned some friend you are come over to my place and you have the fuckin' nerve to gang up on me with MY FRIEND, man you can fuck off July 14th, 11:52pm This is the exact thing I go through when I do blow, now after the first line instant paranoia, read where they talk about the "smells" and stuff, that's exactly what I get fuck lol so it's not just me and it is caused by the cutting agents and overuse July 31st, 10:28pm And by the way, even Ann Wilson and Nancy Wilson from Heart say women shouldn't pay attention and want to be portrayed as some kind of "barbie doll" as the media tries to EXPLOIT them as, TALENT and SKILL is what it takes. People come to concerts to hear MUSIC, go to a strip club if you want to see tits and ass and never ever would I pay attention to a stupid PIMP FUCK like you tell me what to do with my music career, like you fuckin' now JACK SHIT! Heart tells women to come on stage wearing ARMY boots and looking tough, because as you already fuckin' know retard, "TIMES HAVE CHANGED" women are doing what men do and sorry being sexually exploited is going to change, soon your sorry asses will be taking a dick up them instead all the poor abused women out there, the EVIL that men do, you should be wiped off the face of the fuckin' planet. I am a GOOD person, I don't have to explain my MORALS to you or any other STUPID fuckin' asshole loser that thinks women can't play guitar as good as a man, shut the fuck up and go back to doing what you do best, selling women as escorts and dealing drugs, if I had my way all you SCUM would be wiped off the face of the earth. August 21st, 7:27pm Yeah after all the times I hooked up that MOTHERFUCKER. Don't you EVER come to me for weed from any of my buddy's, you can FUCK OFF And yes he does OWE me after all the times I hooked his Skinny ass was coming to me once a week hwen you were in jail you stupid fuck And months before that when I hooked him up with you 'cause I got SICK of him coming to me all the time people sure know how to take advantage but when it comes to returning the favor, all I can say is KARMA EVERY fuckin' week for months on end, do you thinkk I was making anything out of it? You're no fuckin' different, August 29th, 1:16am You wonder why your life is so shitty? 'Cause you took advantage of innocent people, got people addicted to drugs and exploited women, you're bottomline SCUM of the earth. Yeah you're a people person, yeah right, why 'cause you can make conversation with a cashier at the store or random conversation with strangers, try working with assholes for 8 hours a day for a year on end, you're about to experience what REAL LIFE is about and it's a bout time fuck and we'll see how you like it lol and actually being on my meds makes me angrier and honest, attacking, you're one to talk you blast Mark everytime you drive by his house or see him, why? You don't see me defending him, you're not playing devil's advocate you're proving what kind of unloyal total moronic idiot you are. Oct 30/15Sun 9:27pm Don't worry that'll be the LAST TIME I ever call you, you wanna talk shit on my page about me? You knwo I never EVEr said a damn word about you to anyone but now EVERYONE will know EVERYTHING about you, whether it comes to your GOLD necklace being stolen to the 30 grand hidden in your basement lol just wait for the surprises you have in store for you lol loser fuckin' goof And sorry, a WANNABE is someone who steals and does other people's music you fuckin' STUPID piece of shit, man I should've been smart like Ange and gotten rid of you out of my life years ago But no time like the present you're DONE You're nothign but a FUCKIN" LIAR and yeah I know it pisses you off 'that I still talk to Todd 'cause you're butt hurt enough to post shit right on FB, talk about my personal shit eh? You only make youself look even stupider than you already are lol. Nov 2/15 Tue 3:12pm Gonna announce your private shit ALL OVER FACEBOOK fool, so people will know where to go when they wanna rob a pimpin' drug dealer who hooks out women and even his own gf lol no one you got robbed, of money you stole anyway, what you give is what you get and you wonder why no one respects you you fuckin' dog, just know what's gonna happen, you don't threaten or scare me asshole, I'll deal with you in a way you will never forget and you got a problem? Call the cops HAHAHAHHAHAHA